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Hey, I’m Arash; an Iranian software developer, deeply interested in GoLang echosystem.

I started programming with QBasic, then continued to create wordpress plugins and themes. Over time, I’ve tried to find more interesting and complex puzzles to solve. This lead me towards backend development.

How could it get more complex? Well, find a load of users to use your app at the same time and you’ll end up with GoLang.

Seeing the go community and all there is to learn and explore, I couldn’t imagine getting it all. So as far as I’m concerned, I’m just in the early steps of discovering interesting problems and hopefully solutions.

In this blog I try to summarize and write what I learn, when I think I actually learned it.

coding dev illustration

If you have more cues for me to follow, interesting posts, feedbacks or just wanna say “Hi” you can contact me.

ps: this website is made by Astro Paper Theme.